4.5; Vivarium unfolds a shuddering picture of the modern atomisation and sterilisation of human life, designed to be a replica of nature yet is entirely isolated from nature. Its conscious depiction of the unknown and unknowable avian creatures observing, mimicking and studying human behaviours as though they were but subjects, manages to defamiliarise the quotidian modern life and enable the audience to see and live it in terror. Projecting itself as amplifications of day-to-day life, Vivarium is a frightening, disturbing piece that gives you the shivers; as a film it showcases how to create deeply horrifying experiences for the audience using minimalistic locale and personae. #Mayhem2019
可是一树梨花压海棠是什么意思根本就不是主角 这是一个很好的故事 有很好的冲突 可是故事没讲好 冲突也被很平淡地带过 I can not believe that the actress won the best actress price at Cannes事实证明你只能相信自己的判断